Wednesday, 2 November 2011



1.    How old are you? ______

2.      What image would be most suitable for the front cover?  Live band shot?

                                                                                                       Posed solo artist?

                                                                                                       Live solo artist?

                                                                                                       Posed band shot?

3.       For the title, do you prefer.. INDIGO?

                                                   In the in?

                                                   Inside ind?


4.       How many pages do you think is a realistic amount? _____

5.       How much would you pay? £1.50/£3



6.       What would you like to read?  Album reviews?

                                                       New releases?

                                                       Juicy goss about the artist?

                                                       Concert times, dates and reviews?

7.       What is your favourite music magazine?_____________________

8.       What kind of genre of music do you prefer?___________________

9.       Who is your favourite artist/band? ________________________

10.   According to font, what would you prefer? THIS?






11.   For the colour scheme, would you prefer? Bright colours?

                                                                             Dull and dark colours?

                                                                             Black and white?

                                                                             Pastel colours?

12.   What would attract you to a music magazine front cover?  A hot main picture?

                                                                                                         The colours?

                                                                                                         The main story?

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